I’m doing my Bachelor’s degree at IUM!

Bachelor program
Home » I’m doing my Bachelor’s degree at IUM!

We recently met with Lucia Villanueva, a current bachelor’s student.

Lucia Villanueva is a German and Argentinian young lady who grew up in New York. She transferred to IUM in September 2023 and is now in the third year of her bachelor’s degree with a specialization in communication and marketing.  

What is your favorite class?

Statistics was my favorite course in the honors program. I truly enjoyed the assignments and felt fully focused in every class. 

Why did you choose IUM?

I chose IUM because my family and I were looking for a new life and something different than what was available in New York. I took a tour of the University back in 2022 and made the decision with my sister to make the switch. We felt that the curriculum and the resources given were best suited for what we wanted to do in the future. 

What do you like the most at IUM?

I like the sense of community. The friendships I have made have been effortless, and everyone wants to support each other. Everyone is eager to be kind and open-minded, which is truly a blessing when transferring to a new university. 

What do you do outside classes? Are you part of IUM clubs or Monegasque ones?

I spend most of my time with my family and friends, going to basketball games, reading at Larvotto, or going for dinners. 

Did you integrate into the IUM community easily?

Integrating into IUM was absolutely fantastic. The students made it very easy. Within one class, I already had lifelong friends that I spent every day with. 

Do you have any tips for new students who will join us next September?

My advice is to be open-minded; you never know what one conversation will lead to. Ask questions, explore Monaco as much as you can; it is a beautiful place, and use the resources the university provides. 

What do you want to do after IUM?

I would like to work in the sports industry, and I believe IUM has perfectly positioned me to make my dreams come true. 

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Updated 23 July 2024