What are the main objectives of sustainable development management?

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Do you want to work for the good of humanity and hold a rewarding position that allows you to do so? Are you interested in sustainable development jobs and want to know what they entail? Find out in this article what the main objectives of sustainability management are and what you can do to achieve them.

In summary:

The objectives of sustainable development management:

  • Join the objectives of the United Nations mentioned in their 2030 agenda.
  • These include prosperity, peace, the well-being of people, partnerships and collaborations, and the conservation of the planet’s resources.
  • Are taught in international business schools.
  • Are the same regardless of the branch you choose to study.

What are the main objectives of sustainable development management?

The main objectives of sustainable development management are numerous and can be summarized as follows


Prosperity is one of the most important objectives of sustainable development management. It is about improving or at least preserving the world for future generations. Many efforts need to be made and they are in line with all the principles of sustainable development.


Peace between all countries of the world is to everyone’s advantage. It is through sustainable development management at the international level that you can contribute to maintaining peace in your country and in others. This can only have positive impacts, especially on the global economy.

The well-being of the people

In order to keep the world in harmony and to maintain peace in all countries, it is necessary to ensure the well-being of the people. There are many steps that can be taken to do this. This includes ensuring that all countries respect human rights and establish equality. This is one of the most important objectives of sustainable development management.


The application of sustainable development management strategies requires the support of companies. They can effectively create partnerships between them, whether at the national or international level. In this way, they contribute to achieving some of the sustainability management objectives already mentioned above.

Preservation of the planet

It is in this branch that you can classify all the measures taken to protect and restore the environment. It is also about preserving natural resources, especially those that are non-renewable and whose disappearance or extraction can cause severe damage to the environment.

Preserving the planet is also about implementing proposed remedial measures to address climate change that affects the entire world.

How does sustainable development management aim to preserve natural resources for future generations?

Lately, the management of sustainable development proposes several solutions to preserve natural resources for future generations. Among other things, it is a matter of complying with the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy and learning to be eco-responsible. This is why green energy, blue energy and carbon credits are promoted.

How can sustainable development management reduce negative impacts on the environment?

One of the main objectives of sustainable development management is to reduce negative impacts on the environment. Once again, it is a question of acting in favor of ecology and the environment by limiting the waste of natural resources. Lately, many companies have been focusing more and more on green and blue energy.

How can sustainable development management help promote sustainable economic growth and reduce social inequalities?

To promote sustainable economic growth and reduce social inequalities, sustainable development management encourages the creation of partnerships. It is through the various collaborations that the principles of sustainable development can be best known. Most importantly, partnerships make the application of these principles even more effective.

What training should I take to specialize in sustainable development management?

As sustainability management is a very popular field of study these days, you may decide to study it in an international business school. Join IUM to train in International Management. After that, you can choose to specialize in sustainable development through internships and work placements. For more information, see the FAQ section.



Updated 3 May 2024