IUM warmly thanks its students involved in projects that help the community.
Students greatly contributed throughout this academic year to make IUM shine in different ways: charity deeds in partnership with Monegasque Institutions, creation of clubs and societies to nurture experiential learning and enhance networking opportunities, organization of events and activities inside and outside IUM, participation in competitions and international events.

The Student Association: a hub of student life
The IUM Student Association oversees all the extracurricular activities at IUM, including sports, clubs, charity, and social events.
Led for the past 2 years by Alain de Ruiter (Bachelor student, 3rd year), president of the association, and Fulvio Piscitelli (Bachelor student, 2nd year), vice-president and treasurer, students have actively participated in the student life of the university and in the Monegasque association’s activities.
With the covid restrictions being lifted, students were able to engage and achieve fantastic projects this academic year!
Sport Teams
Our students engaged in sports activities:
- The soccer team participated in the Challenge Rainier III tournament and organized a charity tournament in association with the Monaco Special Olympics team. Thanks to the team captain, Tommy Buonsignore (Bachelor student, 3rd year).
- The cheerleading team supported the soccer team during its tournaments and organized activities in collaboration with the Charity Club under the leadership of Eva Simon (MSc in Luxury Management student).
- Created this year by Jean Papaix (MSc in International Management student), the boxing team taught our students self-defense.
- Led by Roxanne Ledanois (Bachelor student, 3rd year), a women’s soccer team was created this year as well (15 players).
- Led by Julia Sand (Bachelor student, 2nd year), the karting club organized internal championships (15 members).
Let’s not forget the other teams as well: the tennis team led by Andrew Coleman (Bachelor student, 3rd year), the golf team led by Dara Oshea (MSc in Finance student), the sailing team led by Karri Jokivartio (Bachelor student, 3rd year), and Mikael Louekoski (Bachelor student, 3rd year) which did not engage in tournaments but made IUM alive as well.
Clubs and societes are an important aspect of the student life, in line with our mission statement.
Clubs and Societies have the aim to deepen the student’s interest and knowledge about an industry and enhance networking opportunities.
Finance Society
It was created last academic year in September 2020. For its second year running under the leadership of Ludovico Frigo (Bachelor 3rd year), Pietro Marchesi (Bachelor 2nd year), and Andrea Aguirre (MSc Finance), the society organized two financial summits with business professionals, networking get-togethers to help students create a network in Monaco, extracurricular courses and lectures on topics such as investing & trading Cryptocurrency, women in finance, portfolio management lectures and alumni guest lectures. They also organized internal portfolio management competitions and had Privatam as their official partner for this academic year.
Luxury Society
Created in October 2021 the society aims to instigate and pursue any type of collaboration with brands and retailers in the luxury industry in order to better understand the world of luxury in Monaco. Under the leadership of Andrea Bogni (Bachelor 1st year) and Fulvio Piscitelli (Bachelor 2ndyear) this year students organized networking events in association with Club Vivanova and Chilli n5, were invited by Vitale 1913 to discover the world of diamonds and collaborated with IUM in promoting internal guest lectures and conferences.
Entrepreneurship Club
Created in October 2021 by Andrew Coleman (Bachelor 3rd year) and Ludovico Frigo (Bachelor 3rd year) as well, this club aims to help students interested in entrepreneurship by providing guest lectures with professionals and IUM Alumni. Among companies who collaborated with the Club this year, are Angel Versetti, founder of Moon Rabbit (dogecoin), Monaco Welcome office, vk*p business advisors, Heex Technologies, and Carlo App.
Esports Club
Created this year as well under the leadership of Tommaso Sampino, the esports club organizes tournaments internally.
Charity Club
Under the leadership of Clara Khiel the charity club has achieved many projects this year.
- Anna Ferrari (MSc in Luxury Management student) supervised the Haiti project, aiming to help rebuild a school in Haiti following the earthquake of 2021.
- Sibgha Nasir (MSc in International Management student) oversaw the collaboration with the Red Cross to promote (among other things) the Red Touch challenge, won by another IUM student Elisa Buner (Bachelor student, 1st year).
- Gabriele Franciolini (MSc International Management student) managed the association TwoHelp, which supports the education cost of 7 children. This association was created by IUM in collaboration with Mission Enfance 5 years ago.
- Elisa Buner (Bachelor student, 1st year) oversaw the Food distribution volunteering in partnership with the Saint Vincent de Paul association, every Tuesday.
- Elisa Hutanu (MSc in Luxury Management student) coordinated volunteers spending time with elders in retirement homes in Monaco, every Monday afternoon.
- Eden Pignot (MSc in Luxury Management student) supervised the National Pick-up trash day with our volunteer students.
- Sibgha Nasir (MSc International Management student) was also in charge of the activities with the Rotaract Monaco association.
- Anna Woisetschlager (MSc in Luxury Management student) managed the No Finish Line IUM team, who ran a total of 430km.
Art & Culture Club
Created in October 2021 and led by Adela Chroustova (Bachelor student, 2nd year), this club aimed to raise interest in art and culture by proposing cultural activities throughout the year. Members visited museums and attended cultural events in Monaco, such as Ballet de Monte Carlo and Monaco Streaming Film Festival.
CFA Challenge
Audrey Farraudiere, Sigrid Lillevalli, Florian Paquet Gonzalez, and Nadia Ulanova, students from the MSc in Finance program, participated in this international competition raising international awareness. The CFA Institute Research Challenge is an annual global competition that provides university students with hands-on mentoring and intensive training in financial analysis and professional ethics.
IUM Junior Marketing Team & Buddy program
Last but not least, our students got engaged with IUM by promoting the University during fairs, open doors, and lives on Instagram. They also created a buddy program aiming to help new students integrate and facilitate their inclusion within the IUM community.
Thank you to Marialia Berges, Loris Cavalli, Berenice Diby, Maria Pia Faissola, Celine Francisco, Maria Margarita Fomez Mansur, Tatum Maher, Annaëlle Roux, Dala Soukouna, Alexis Thiault, Arianna Zarafshar for their involvement.
Thank you to all of you!
For more information, you can consult our website: www.monaco.edu.
Feel free to also contact the Admissions Team directly at admissions@monaco.edu