September 2023
Orientation Week 2023: Focus on Career Opportunities
This Fall 2023 intake welcomed 500 new students coming from 60+ different countries. Even though France, Italy, and Monaco are the top 3 countries, we can note an impressive growth of North American students in our student body.
Lire la suiteJune 2023
What careers and jobs to consider after following IUM’ MSc in Sustainability and Innovation Management?
There is a number of different careers available for students who want to work in sustainable development, ecology or the environment sectors. But there are also new professions emerging in these rather recent and budding industries.
Lire la suiteJune 2023
En quoi consiste le MSc Management du développement durable et de l’innovation de l’IUM ?
Le développement durable et l’innovation offrent de très nombreuses possibilités de carrières aux étudiants motivés. Formez-vous à l’IUM en master et transformez le monde !
Les défis environnementaux auxquels nos sociétés sont confrontées induisent une transformation à la fois écologique et économique capable de réinventer nos façons de travailler, de vivre et de consommer.
June 2023
Why should you consider a career in Sustainability and Innovation?
Sustainable development and innovation offer a wide range of career opportunities for motivated students. Train at the IUM and transform the world!
The environmental challenges our societies have been facing call for both an ecological and an economical transformation which will reinvent the ways we work, live and consume goods.
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