Videosurveillance and videoprotection

Home » Videosurveillance and videoprotection

Source and type of data processed

Some of our sites are protected by video surveillance and video protection systems. Specific notices displayed at site entrances inform you of their presence. When you enter these sites, we automatically collect your image and process the personal data that concerns you.

Processing purposes

Videosurveillance and videoprotection systems may have been implemented in order to:

  • Ensure the safety of people and property;
  • Help in assisting persons and contributing to fire prevention;
  • Ensure the safety of buildings.

Legal basis for personal data processing

Processing relating to videosurveillance and videoprotection is implemented in accordance with our legitimate interests.

For any question on the legal basis for the collection and use of your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer (

Personal data recipients

We may send your personal data to the following recipients:

  • The department in charge of the site’s support services where the videosurveillance and videoprotection system is deployed;
  • The subcontractors and service providers of Organisation et Développement and the schools, which provide us with services that require data processing, such as storing images from these devices, providing surveillance and security, or those in charge of our software and server maintenance;
  • Any relevant law enforcement agency, governmental or regulatory agency, court or other third party, for whom it is necessary to disclose personal information (i) under the laws and regulations in force, (ii) to exercise, establish and defend our rights or (iii) to protect your interests, or those of a third party;
  • Any other person to whom we have given the authorization to disclose our personal data.

Your rights

In application of the Monegasque law on the protection of personal data and of the GDPR, you have the right to:

  • access your personal data and obtain a copy of it;
  • request that personal data processing be limited;
  • file a complaint with the local supervisory authority – in France, the CNIL (French Data Protection Agency).

In order to exercise all your rights, you may write to our Data Protection Officer at the company’s registered office:

OMNES Education – Service du DPO – Immeuble Grenelle – 43 quai de Grenelle – 75015 Paris

or by email:

If we have any reasonable doubt as to your identity, and in order to protect your private life and ensure the security of your data, we may undertake to check it.

Personal data security

We attach great importance to the protection of your personal data and private life. Which is why we have implemented the technical and organizational measures required (physical, logical and personal security, as well as regular audits and reviews) to protect your personal data against illegal or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure and accidental use.

Personal data storage

Data derived from videosurveillance and videoprotection systems is stored for a period of thirty (30) days and then deleted.

International transfer of personal data

We host data in Monaco.

Updated 18 July 2024