Everything you need to know about the job of Esport Manager: missions, training, salary

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Esports is one of the fastest growing sectors in recent years. Esport owes this achievement to technical progress, the democratization of digital technology and passionate players. Among these actors, the esport manager is one of the most important figures, although little known by the general public.

Equivalent to the sports manager, the esport manager is responsible for an esport team. His role is to support his team in achieving their high level objectives. By joining theInternational University of Monaco, students can acquire the necessary skills to become an esport manager.

What does the job of Esport Manager involve?

The job of esport manager consists in managing all aspects related to the life of an esport team. In fact, this job is also known as ” esport team manager “.

In essence, the esport manager ensures that his team has all the necessary means to become more successful. He can, for example, ensure that players have quality equipment and train in the best conditions.

It is important to know that an esport manager can work under the authority of one or more supervisors. This is particularly the case for professionals who work for major sports brands or federations.

What are the main missions of the Esport Manager?

The esport manager wears the double hat of technician and multitask manager. To properly manage an esport team and sometimes several, he has to perform several missions. Its main missions include :

  • management of sports partnerships;
  • Searching for competitions to enter the team;
  • the development of its team;
  • management of administrative tasks;
  • the management of the communication aspect.

The ultimate goal of these missions is to ensure that professional players can focus on the game. Without having to worry about other formalities, players have a better chance of gaining in performance.

What training should I follow to become an Esport Manager?

One of the particularities of the job of esport manager is that it is accessible without a specific diploma and without a minimum level of study. In practice, many people become esport managers after having developed several years in the world of traditional sports.

However, to develop as an esport manager , the training path is essential. There are several training courses that provide the necessary background for this profession, including:

  • Bacs with a specialization in digital technology;
  • video game management bachelors;
  • MBA Esport and business management.

TheInternational University of Monaco is one of the business schools that offer this type of training. In particular, it offers a Master of Science in Sports Business Management, which leads to a diploma at Bac+5 level.

What is the salary of an Esport Manager?

As the esport manager profession is relatively new, salaries remain disparate for the moment. These salaries vary according to several criteria such as the status of the professional, his or her experience and employer. Generally, the managers of the most popular or reigning champion esports teams are paid the most.

Despite these disparities, on average, the salary of an entry-level esport manager is around 1,800 euros per month. The salary of a senior manager can exceed 3,500 euros per month.

What are the possible career paths of the Esport Manager?

For an esport manager, the greatest possibility of career development is the creation of his own esport structure. In other words: the creation of one or more esports teams, a league or an esports management company.

On a smaller scale and with sufficient experience, this professional can expect to work for larger structures.

And thanks to these technical skills, the esport manager can also be retrained in other fields. For example, he or she may choose to move into marketing, human resources or communications.

What are the essential skills to succeed as an Esport Manager?

To succeed as an esports manager, candidates must possess the same skills as any good manager. These core competencies include:

  • the ability to lead a team;
  • excellent organizational skills;
  • the ability to make important decisions;
  • strong negotiation skills;
  • mastery of communication.

Due to the unique nature of the esports industry, those who wish to enter the business must:

  • have a good knowledge and culture of sports in general;
  • be familiar with new technologies and the world of esports



Updated 3 May 2024