Meet with Yannis Chahbani, MSc in Finance 2021, who is now working as Junior Associate in Luxembourg.
“I had the opportunity to apply at Ernst & Young while I was reaching the end of my studies at IUM.
It was challenging at first, there were many different interviews, tests, and pre-requisites; but the journey was worth it.
I started working at EY in Luxembourg, in September, and I have been assigned to the Private Equity & Venture Capital department as a junior associate.
Luxembourg is one of the places to be in Europe with regards to alternative asset management, especially for Private Equity investments. It indeed acts as a major hub where all renowned PE houses need to set an office. This was de-facto an important factor to consider when I had to choose back then.
It has been more than three months now, and I can say that I really enjoy working here. I can feel I work for a global organization that has strong expertise in every domain they engage with.
Work-related, I can say I learn a lot every week, especially in my department. The job is corporate finance based but surrounded and applied on Private Equity Investments. This means I’ll gain tremendous skills in corporate finance while still being focused on what I like, Investments. Indeed, as an example, I can review and work on financial statement consolidations and then jump onto a Fund assets’ Valuation within the day.
I believe being exposed to a Big Four is interesting career-wise. I don’t have a specific path determined yet, but I know for certain that this experience will expose me to a variety of different opportunities. I’ll see what comes next!”
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